- Conducted mystery shopping in shopping malls for consumer electronics products
- Conducted mystery shopping studies for a manufacturer of fruit juice in supermarkets in the US
- Conducted mystery shopping of printers for consumers
- Conducted a global mystery shopping study in 14 countries to determine menu changes for a fast food company
- Conducted a mystery shopping study for a fast food firm in the Philippines and in Indonesia for potential site selection of a new fast food site in these countries
- Conducted a global, year-long mystery shopping study for a large cruise line
- Conducted mystery shopping at various trade shows in the US.
- Conducted mystery shopping studies at biotech events in Western Europe, California, New York and Kansas.
- Conducted a mystery shopping study for leisure boats to determine competitive prices and product offerings
- Conducted mystery shopping at a pharmaceutical convention to gather marketing material and information about potential business partners.
- Conducted a headhunting & mystery shopping research in Shanghai
- Conducted a mystery shopping study for a major fashion institute