- Conducted a study of the market for multifocal contact lenses and presbyopic patients.
- Conducted several market analyses in Europe on contact lens products.
- Conducted focus groups for consumers in Europe for hard and soft contact lens.
- Conducted in-depth analysis into a Vision Care laboratory in the US.
- Conducted various studies for cosmetics relating to the eye
- Conducted a Market Landscape study in the contact lens and contact solutions markets.
- Conducted focus groups to explore the market structure of refractive and Lasik eye surgery.
- Conducted study of incidence of eye diseases in various European countries and in Japan.
- Conducted study projecting the potential for contact lenses in European and Asian markets.
- Conducted competitive assessment for a global contact lens manufacturer.
- Conducted a competitor profile of technology lab which manufactures contact lenses.
- Recruited patients who underwent refractive eye surgery to provide product recommendations and suggestions for post-operative dry eye
- Conducted workshop sessions to explore experiences of the surgery and perceptions of dry eye treatments in USA, Germany, India.